In the advent of all rights and limits given to the human race, I believe he stood the test and harbouring many people whose votes were in arrears of lack. The presentation of this manifesto represents a pro version of whatever he thought way back in the ANC. What I have admired about this chap is the his ideologies have remained intact ever since he was known. JM is on these grounds visionary and has the support of the masses. Win or not, the informed influences will be visible come next house of commons

After studying one observes that revolutionaries rise from highly unlikely sources and mystical times, based on this I can safely state that we might be witnessing one. Remember, people don't vote based intellectual principles. Latest, example.... Barack Obama - People voted for him mainly because he is BLACK or African Rather. There was no need for any logical reason behind it. Right now, most South Africans are fed up of No 1 and his decision making which is questionable. All people want is an alternative, that anger will cost the current government a lot of votes and most of the people who think that they are going to vote based on rational thinking. Will be left stunned and lost.......... My suggestion is. No1 must step down and let someone correct the mistakes made and people might change their minds whilst there is still time........................."A stitch in time saves nine".

I am Happy about EFF because of finally we are going to get our land which belong to us as Africans, and then we can be friends again with whites and EFF does not spread hatred of Whites its just claims what is ours and I don't see any conflict by submitting it and in fact we can strongly unite Africa by breaking the boarders which white people created for us in order prevent the unity of black people!!!

+MovingAfrica2Freedom You are to much of a coward to say that to a white mans face. Key board tough guy... The Economic Fruity Fighters will never win.. The ANC is to strong. If you hate white people so much then why do you use the computer then? And the cellphone? Every bit of technology you own were invented by Europeans. Cars, planes, TV's, Electricity, Fridge, Kettle, Microwave, ect, ect.. the stuff you use every day to make your lazy life easier.
You complain and blame white people because your to lazy and stupid to go and look for a job like every other human on the planet.. You don't even have a History.. Whites wrote 1 for you.. how old is it? 100 or 200 years old? When whites got here you lived in straw huts and you didn't even know what farming meant. You still cant farm. You had no literature or any form of mathematics.. You were officially the dumbest people on the planet and still are when you look at Africa. lol, And you want to blame the Europeans for your own stupidity? Get real.
If you want to be a "African" then get rid of all your European clothes.. Throw away your cellphone, TV, Car, ect.. put on your cow skin and get your spear, then fuck off back into the bush to Mozambique or Botswana or where ever you came from because when we got here first the only native people we saw here were the Bushman. The ONLY people who can lay claim to this land. Idiot..
You complain and blame white people because your to lazy and stupid to go and look for a job like every other human on the planet.. You don't even have a History.. Whites wrote 1 for you.. how old is it? 100 or 200 years old? When whites got here you lived in straw huts and you didn't even know what farming meant. You still cant farm. You had no literature or any form of mathematics.. You were officially the dumbest people on the planet and still are when you look at Africa. lol, And you want to blame the Europeans for your own stupidity? Get real.
If you want to be a "African" then get rid of all your European clothes.. Throw away your cellphone, TV, Car, ect.. put on your cow skin and get your spear, then fuck off back into the bush to Mozambique or Botswana or where ever you came from because when we got here first the only native people we saw here were the Bushman. The ONLY people who can lay claim to this land. Idiot..
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+Remus Woyrsch . That +MovingAfrica2Freedom guy is just a shack dwelling unemployed parasite who's mother was obviously on glue and beer when she was pregnant with him. I don't think he even realises the smart phone he stole is also a computing device once again invented by modern humans (non-Africans). The combination of being brain damaged and a humanoid makes it impossible to understand reasoning. He actually DOES think his kind invented taxi engines, cell phones, clothing, Internet. lol
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This guy actually thinks he has followers! Ha ha ha. He doesn't even realize everybody is there just for some comic relief. What an idiot.

the is no form of education in this party. its just a baunch of people that want to eat the tax payers money.