Thursday, March 13, 2014


Your dreams seek to save you proper breakfast not just fat cakes.
Cost effect food is only effective for as long as it keeps you full.
Freedom is the right to choose what to eat.
The comfort to excrete without landing your fesses on the streets.
The long walk to freedom constipates my feet.
Its a white lie sold to a black child,
with a burdened heart cause daddy is a security guard.
Watching buildings  instead of building a better man of his son.

Me" I want a white matron".
She will serve my kids bacon in a grisy old apron,
they will call her aunty  through tantrums when they are hungry.
Then we can talk about this equal opportunity when my garden boy is white, and
all those on strikes or go slow, are white as snow.
we can then bow to this bullshit of a rainbow.

The graffiti you left on my face-book wall calling me a racist and a conosending cunt,
doesn't change the fact that you are who you are because of us.
The bullet you aim at my ragging tough wont murder the truth.

Yes you weren't the in the struggle,
I wasn't the in the garden of Eden
but I believe the your apple doesn't fall far from my tree
but you refuse to believe in white supremacy
because of a black government.
I have watched some of you turn your backs 360 degrees still burns as blacks.


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